Monthly Briefing / June – 2022

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The Political Scene

The activity of the Presidential Council stopped immediately upon the completion of the Gulf tour by the president and members of the Council, pending Saudi Arabia and the UAE fulfilling their financial pledges to contain the crises surrounding the country, while the Vice President of the Presidential Council, and Chairman of the Transitional Council (which is demanding secession), Aidarous Al-Zubaidi (UAE- affiliated) continued with his responsibilities including overseeing a committee to reintegrate milita formations into army and security ranks in the Ma’asheeq Presidential Palace in the provisional capital, Aden.

– Members of the UN Security Council demanded the Houthi group to work flexibly and open the main roads leading to the city of Taiz (located in southwest Yemen) immediately, expressing their dissatisfaction with the serious humanitarian impact of the closure of the governorate’s roads. (3/6)

– Saudi Arabia and the Houthi group resumed direct talks between them regarding security on the southern borders of the Kingdom and future relations between the two parties, with the mediation of the Sultanate of Oman. {Dialogue and communication between the two parties began in secret in 2016 and were released to the media in 2019}. (14/6)

– The UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, called on the Houthi group to respond quickly and without delay to the UN’s proposals to gradually reopen roads, including reopening the main road in Al-Hawban area, east of the city. {Road linking Taiz with the capital Sana’a} (15/6)

In preparation for a return to the capital of Aden, the President and members of the Presidential Leadership Council left the Qatari capital, Doha, and headed to Riyadh, to conclude a Gulf tour that included Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt and Qatar and which lasted for more than two weeks,. (18/6)

– The Yemeni government has called on the international community, the United Nations and the UN and US envoys to take clear positions on the Houthi group’s escalation of child recruitment under the cover of summer centers. {A statement by the head of the Houthi group’s Saba Agency announced that one million male and female students would be received in summer centers for 2022} (6/19)

– The leader of the Houthi group, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, threatened what he described as fabricated forces in their areas of control, who are demanding better services, stating that they are idiots and mouthpieces for oppression (the United States and Saudi-Emirati). (22/6)

– The Houthi group informed the United Nations of its adherence to its own proposal to open roads in the city of Taiz (southwest of Yemen), and later agreed to open two roads without specifying which roads. (23/6)

The Military Scene

The Houthi group escalated its violations of the armistice in its second extension, threatening to return to a military solution and prepare a list of targets in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, with the continued military build-up in Marib and Taiz, while the National Army launched a campaign targeting al-Qaeda in Abyan governorate after a series of attacks targeted the army and security forces.

The National Army forces accused the Houthi group of committing 1,707 violations during the month of June on the fronts: Marib (223 violations), Hajjah (245 violations), Al-Hodeidah (338 violations), Taiz (836 violations) and Al-Dhalea (22) violations, and 43 violations in Al-Jawf. (25/6

A soldier in the National Army was killed in an attack by a booby-trapped drone belonging to the Houthi group, which targeted an army position in the Al-Kasara front (west of Marib). (9/6)

– The National Army repelled an infiltration operation carried out by Houthi forces on its positions east of the city of Taiz (southwest of Yemen), days after a number of soldiers were killed and injured, as a part of continuous violations of the armistice. (25/6)

The army (loyal to the internationally-recognized government) in Abyan governorate (southern Yemen) started a military operation targeting al-Qaeda members in the governorate, following terrorist operations targeting security patrols and military figures in the governorate. (23/6)

– The Military and Security Committee, in charge of restructuring and unifying military formations within the framework of the Ministries of Defense and Interior, began its work in the complete absence of members of the Presidential Council, with the exception of Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, who is loyal to the UAE, and is currently in the Ma’ashiq Palace in Aden (25/6)

– The Houthi group has vowed to launch new attacks on targets in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and to continue to mobilize the fronts with fighters and weapons if they persist in what the group described as besiegement and aggression,. (26/6)

The Security Scene

The areas under the control of the Houthi group witnessed a chaotic situation in their security during the month of June, with Ibb governorate (center of Yemen) at the top of the governorates, in addition to the chaos in the areas under the control of the Transitional Council (UAE-affiliated) within the control of the internationally-recognized government in Aden, Lahj, Abyan and Shabwa.

– The naval exercise Red Wave – 5, which was carried out by the Saudi naval forces with the participation of the naval forces of the countries bordering the Red Sea (Yemen, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia), concluded with a number of different combat exercises. (3/6)

– A joint security campaign (security – army) led by the Director General of Abyan Security succeeded in liberating hostages from armed men who had kidnapped citizens and demanded a ransom for their liberation. (6/6)

– The Southern Transitional Council (backed by the Emirates) launched a recruitment campaign in the governorates of Aden and Abyan (southern of the country) a week after the President of the Presidential Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, announced a committee to unify the military and security forces and integrate them into the Ministries of Defense and Interior. (12/6)

– The Ministry of State Security in Saudi Arabia announced that 19 individuals and entities had been designated to its terrorism list for their association with activities in support of the Houthi group, which included 8 individuals and 11 entities, imposing a freeze of their funds and assets and prohibiting any direct or indirect dealings with them. (14/6)

– The Japanese TV (NHK) correspondent in Yemen “Saber Al-Haidari” was killed along with two people after an explosion targeted his car while it was passing on the main road in the “Kabota” area of ​​Aden city. (16/6)

– The Giants Brigades in Shabwa Governorate (east of Yemen), released the director of the media office in the governorate, the Secretary-General of the Local Council in the Ataq district and four other media professionals after three days of detaining them in a camp affiliated with the militia in the governorate, after they had been captured while out on a mission of filming a documentary film that the governorate’s media office has been working on for months. (18/6)

The government directed the establishment of a general administration to recover stolen and smuggled artifacts outside the country and to quickly complete the preparation of the regulation regulating its tasks. (21/6)

– 8 people were killed and 6 others were injured after a hand grenade was detonated by a gunman in a public council in the Al-Makhadar district, north of Ibb governorate, in the center of the country. {The governorate is under the control of the Houthi group} (22/6)

– Unidentified gunmen assassinated the Salafi Sheikh Abdul-Razzaq Al-Baqma, one of the leaders of the Happy Yemen Brigades, the newly formed force with the support of the Saudi Arabia-led Arab coalition, in the Al-Wadi district east of Ma’rib Governorate. (24/6)

The Economic Scene

The value of the national currency deteriorated against the dollar during the month of June, as the Saudi deposit to the Central Bank, which was announced the moment the Presidential Council was formed, arrived late. This intensified the harsh economic conditions, in addition to the threats and incitement to the Central Bank by forces affiliated with the Transitional Council, which prompted a number of Western countries to condemn these campaigns, especially as they come in light of a difficult situation and a major humanitarian and economic crisis.

– An official document for the “Al-Masdar Online” website revealed that the fees collected by the Houthi group from 18 fuel ships that arrived at the port of Hodeidah during the first truce period (April 1 – May 31) exceeded 70 billion Yemeni riyals. (1/6)

– A “suspicious” sale was completed for the S2 Al-Aqla oil sector of the Austrian “OMV” company in Shabwa Governorate and sold to the new operator (Spek), {a service company based in Jebel Ali in Dubai, United Arab Emirates}. (5/6)

– The Houthi group (a circulating document) directed the mobile telecommunications companies operating in its areas of control to pay 1% of their income for the benefit of those killed on the frontlines. (9/6)

– The European Union, the United States of America, France and Britain have warned of the campaign against the Central Bank of Yemen and its employees in the temporary capital of Aden, and called on all parties to respect the independence of the bank and support its efforts to improve Yemen’s economic and financial stability. (16/6)

– A report for the month of March (2021) issued by the Yemeni telecommunications company “TeleYemen”, which is under the control of the Houthi group, revealed a massive smuggling of international calls for 630 channels that had been smuggled by the militia’s security and intelligence agency through the fixed phone network through a system using a large number of fixed phone channels. (18/6)

– Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi, pledged urgent economic treatment in the temporary capital, Aden, and the liberated governorates during the coming period, and called on citizens to give him an adequate opportunity to accomplish this. (22/6)

The Legal Scene

Previous local and international statements and condemnations about the recruitment of children did not succeed, which prompted the Houthi group to brag about the recruitment and mobilization of children. Video recordings have appeared that reflect the scale of the phenomenon, while a series of horrific violations against citizens and prisoners of journalists and activists, and the stifling of religious and journalistic freedoms continue.

– The Houthi group kidnapped 30 people from the followers of (he Zaidi Marja’ in Amran Governorate (north of Sanaa) and imprisoned them in one of its prisons. (1/6)

– The General Conference of the International Federation of Journalists issued an urgent global appeal to demand the release of 4 journalists from the prisons of the Houthi group, and a halt to the death sentences against them. (2/6)

– The United Nations announced that 19 civilians, including 3 children, were killed during the months April-May as a result of primitive landmines and explosive devices left over from the war during the armistice period. (3/6)

– A Houthi supervisor confiscated and ran over two vehicle loads of apples belonging to a fruit and vegetable merchant in Al-Jawf Governorate (east of Yemen) coming from Ma’rib after the merchant refused to pay a tax exceeding the value of the fruit. (11/6)

– The Yemeni Landmine Monitor announced that 5 civilians had been killed and 6 others injured, including children and a woman because of the mines planted by the Houthi group in different governorates (11/6)

– The Security Belt Forces of the Southern Transitional Council began implementing new and unusual procedures by requesting residency guarantees from travelers and those arriving, especially from the city of Taiz, signed by a guarantor from somebody in the region, to the Yafa’a areas of Lahj governorate, southern Yemen. (14/6)

– A businessman was killed by gunfire from an armed man in Lahj governorate in the south of the country, hours after a prominent leader in the Southern Resistance Brigades had been killed in the Al-Habileen District (14/6)

– The Associated Press, quoting leaders of the Houthi group, said that they had recruited hundreds of children, including 10 years old, during the past two months (May-June), and deployed them on the front lines. (17/6)

– The Houthi group seized the property and home of the late former Prime Minister and Secretary-General of the Congress Party (the former ruling party), “Abdul Qader Bajammal” in the capital, Sanaa, in preparation for its confiscation. (22/6)

The Humanitarian Scene

Official and international statements continue to warn of the seriousness of the scale of  disaster that awaits the Yemeni people as a result of the global economic crisis resulting from the continuing Russian-Ukrainian war. The lack of funding prompted the World Food Program of the United Nations to stop large parts of its activities in Yemen, in addition to continuing problems around the issue of the displaced in Marib and the appearance imbalance in the figures adopted by international organizations.

– The Yemeni Ministry of Human Rights criticized the misleading method in the media briefing issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for the armistice, describing it as vague and as containing an open acquittal of the Houthi group for its series of violations by holding all parties responsible for the violations. (3/6)

The “Masam” project (the Saudi demining in Yemen) confirmed its renewal for the next year. Since mid-2018 until now it has extracted 346,570 mines and various missiles/cleared 406,481 square meters of mine-contaminated Yemeni lands, and removed nearly 90,000 mines from the city of Taiz alone. (24/6)

– In a report issued by the World Food Program, the United Nations ranked Yemen among 20 countries in the hotspot of hunger in the world (7/6).

– The local authority in Marib objected after the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations “OCHA” dropped about one million and two hundred thousand displaced people in the Marib Governorate from the lists of the humanitarian response plan prepared by the office for the current year 2022. (6/8)

– The United Nations Organization for Migration announced that 3,228 migrants entered Yemen last May, and more than 5 thousand Yemeni expatriates returned from Saudi Arabia during the same period. (8/6)

– Last May, the World Food Program suspended some of its activities in Yemen, due to a lack of funding as it needs $1.5 billion to meet humanitarian needs in Yemen over the next six months. (23/6)

General News

– Angry citizens removed the walls that the Houthi group built around spaces and parking lots in the capital, Sana’a, as part of a campaign to confiscate the city’s lands and outlets and its car parks. (11/6)

– The Houthi group changed the names of a number of government facilities, naming them after occasions and figures affiliated with the militia, the latest of which was changing the 22 May Hospital in Amran to “Al Sammad” Hospital (6/19).

– A large gathering of judges in Sanaa rejected the interventions of the prominent Houthi leader, “Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi”, a member of the Houthi Supreme Political Council, in the functioning of the courts. (24/6)

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