Monthly Briefing / June – 2024

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Political Scene

The political scene in Yemen witnessed significant developments. UN envoy Hans Grundberg visited Oman to meet with international representatives and push forward peace talks and brief the Security Council on the situation. At the same time, European Union ambassadors traveled to Aden to support economic reforms. Meanwhile, there has been a sharp increase in Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. This escalation led to widespread international condemnation and prompted the Security Council to adopt Resolution No. 2739 to halt these attacks.

Peace Efforts:

  • The ambassadors from the European Union (Gabriel Munuera Viñals), France (Catherine Corm-Kammoun), the Netherlands (Janet Sieben) and Germany (Hubert Jager) all confirmed their support for Yemen’s government and the Presidential Leadership Council. They visited Aden and met with Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, president of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and a member of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC). June 5
  • PLC Chairman Rashad al-Alimi met with Saudi Minister of Defense Prince Khalid bin Salman. They discussed recent developments in Yemen, efforts to alleviate human suffering, as well as support for a comprehensive political solution under United Nations auspices. June 6
  • The Gulf Cooperation Council’s Ministerial Council reaffirmed its full support for the PLC, led by Rashad al-Alimi. The ministers praised the efforts of Saudi Arabia and Oman to revive the political process and called on the Houthi group to cease fire and engage seriously in peace efforts. June 9

Red Sea:

  • The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar claimed that Saudi Arabia made an offer to the Houthis, through Chinese mediation, to guarantee the safety of ships, which pass to and from Saudi ports, from attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in exchange for meeting their demands in Sana’a. June 27.
  • Yemenia Airways announced that the Houthis had seized four of its planes at Sana’a International Airport, threatening air navigation safety and disrupting flights, plus it has caused significant losses for the airline. June 26
  • The UN Security Council passed Resolution No. 2739, put forward by the United States and Japan, calls on the Houthis to immediately cease attacks on ships in the Red Sea and to release the Galaxy Leader ship and its crew, who have been detained since November 2023. June 27
  • The American envoy to Yemen, Tim Lenderking, began a new Gulf tour, between Riyadh and Muscat, to discuss the Houthi escalation in the Red Sea and the arrest campaign in Sana’a. The visit coincides with the United Nations’ sponsorship of the ongoing negotiations in Muscat between three parties — the legitimate, internationally recognized government and the Houthi group — regarding the issue of prisoners and abductees. June 30.

Sana’a Kidnappings:

    • The United States of America strongly condemned the Houthi group’s kidnapping of United Nations employees and diplomatic missions in Sana’a and extracting false confessions from them to discredit the detainees. Statistics from international organizations indicate that more than 60 people, including women, were kidnapped in the latest Houthi campaign. June 13.  
  • France strongly condemned the Houthi arrests of United Nations employees and humanitarian organizations working in Yemen, warning of their serious negative impact on humanitarian aid and undermining the organizations’ efforts in Yemen. June 13.
  • The UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, warned of the consequences of the economic escalation and the ongoing war between the Central Bank of Yemen in Aden and the Houthi-controlled bank in Sana’a. He demanded the Houthis end their arbitrary arrests of United Nations’ and international organizations’ employees. June 13

Military Scene

Clashes between the National Army of the legitimate government and the forces of the Houthi group escalated at several contact points, most notably the Ma’rib and Al-Dhalea fronts. The eastern front in Taiz witnessed violent confrontations for more than two weeks, with deaths and injuries on both sides, without achieving any decisive progress for either party.

  • The Houthi group announced that 55 people were killed and 78 others were injured in American-British raids launched on several areas in the country. June 7
  • A British ship sank after being attacked in the Red Sea, near Yemen, and the owner company said that the ship was a declared target of the Houthis. June 12
  • The Houthi group announced the implementation of three new military operations targeting two commercial ships and an American destroyer in the Red and Arabian seas. Ballistic missiles and drones were used in the operations. June 17
  • A drone attack damaged, but no casualties, a container ship flying the Liberian flag near the city of Hodeida, while American forces said they destroyed three Houthi drone boats in the Red Sea, denying allegations about an attack targeting the aircraft carrier. June 23
  • American forces announced the destruction of seven drones and a vehicle belonging to a Houthi ground control station in Yemen. June 29
  • The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) announced that five missiles landed near a commercial ship northwest of Hodeida in Yemen, but the ship was not harmed. June 28

From January to June of this (2024) year, the Houthi group attacked 28 ships in the Red Sea, according to a report from the International Maritime Organization. The vessels attacked included cargo carriers, container ships, cargo ships and crude oil tankers. The attacks caused incidents of explosions and fires, with drones being used in most cases. June 12

Security Scene

International forces continue to fight smuggling goods, including drugs and weapons, into Yemen, though they have yet to find comprehensive solutions. Amid this, the United States has imposed new sanctions on the Houthi group because of financial networks involved in illegal activities supporting terrorism. Tensions between the United States and the Houthi group are escalating due to ongoing attacks in the Red Sea.

Smuggling Activity:

  • Joint naval forces announced the confiscation of 2,400 kilograms of drugs in the Arabian Sea, southeast of Yemen. June 1

The Houthis said they arrested an American-Israeli spy network in Yemen, accusing it of spying and sabotage for decades under the cover of international and international organizations, with the support of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). June 10

Economic Scene

Yemen’s economic situation continues to deteriorate, marked by a declining national currency, rising unemployment and increasing food insecurity, all exacerbated by the ongoing banking crisis and war. Key economic events in June 2024 include Yemenia Airways transferring its activities to safeguard its assets from the Houthis, the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Qatar to support economic empowerment, the Central Bank implementing new regulations to control money transfers and halt non-bank-remittance networks, plus Saudi Arabia announcing a financial contribution to help cover the budget deficit.

    • The Ministry of Transport directed Yemenia Airways to immediately transfer its activities and revenues to the capital, Aden, or abroad, to protect its assets from the Houthi group, after freezing the company’s assets in Sana’a amounting to more than $100 million. June 5
    • The Central Bank of Yemen issued a package of new measures to regulate money transfer mechanisms, including setting a ceiling on internal transfers at $10,000 US per day and stopping coverage operations between money exchangers permanently. June 14
    • The Saudi ambassador to Yemen, Muhammad Al Jaber, announced that the third installment of the Kingdom’s grant to support the Yemeni budget deficit would be transferred to the Central Bank in Aden. The grant is to support salaries, wages, operating expenses and food security. Meanwhile, the Yemeni currency is witnessing an unprecedented collapse because of the cessation of oil exports and Houthi speculation. June 14
    • A member of the Yemeni Parliament, Ali Ashal, warned of a potential disaster in the strategic port of Aden due to the effort to lease it to UAE’s Abu Dhabi Ports Company, which was in response to a memo from Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, revealing procedures currently being taken to deal with that company. June 17
  • Members of the Yemeni Consultative Council warned against moving forward with leasing the port of Aden to an Emirati company, stressing their categorical rejection of any agreement related to the port due to its economic and strategic importance. In a statement, the members demanded that both the Presidential Leadership Council and the government need to issue a clear statement to prohibit any steps that can or may affect the nation’s sovereignty through suspicious agreements. June 20
  • A UN report stated that the banking crisis in Yemen led to a decline in the value of the national currency by 38% until June 2024, with an expected decline of 5% per month in Yemeni government areas and an increase in the cost of food. June 23

The Central Bank issued a decision to stop local money transfer networks that are not linked to banks and companies and ordered the liquidation of pending operations in them within 15 days, while obligating everyone to use a unified network for money transfers as of the date of the decision. June 27


The Houthi group kidnapped several United Nations employees, accusing them of “communicating with enemies” and has issued death sentences for those accused of spying for Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, the Yemeni government has condemned the torture of citizens following their arrest in Oman.

  • The Houthi group kidnapped several United Nations employees, including women, and employees of the UN envoy’s office and the American embassy ​​during a massive security campaign in Sana’a, on charges of “communicating with enemies.” June 7
  • The Houthi group issued a death sentence for 44 people, on charges of spying for Saudi Arabia and its allies. The ruling included 16 defendants in absentia and accusations of cooperation with foreign countries. June 1

United Nations mission reported that nine civilians, including four children, were killed or injured by landmines left behind by the Houthis in Hodeida Governorate. The report highlighted that 44% of the mine victims last month were children. June 6/toggle]

Humanitarian Scene

Yemen is grappling with a severe humanitarian crisis as security and economic conditions continue to deteriorate. The United Nations has announced that it has received only 20% of the required funding for the humanitarian response plan for Yemen. The Yemeni presidency has insisted that no prisoner exchange deal should be concluded without including politician Muhammad Qahtan, who has been forcibly disappeared for nine years. Meanwhile, a government delegation is engaged in a new round of negotiations on detainees and prisoners, which is being overseen by the United Nations and Red Cross. 

    • A boat carrying 260 African migrants sank off the coast of Shabwa in southeastern Yemen. At least 39 migrants were killed, 150 are missing, and 71 were rescued and provided assistance, as confirmed by the International Organization for Migration. June 11
  • The United Nations announced that, by the end of April 2024, it had received only 20% of the needed funding for the humanitarian response plan for Yemen. The plan seeks to raise $2.71 billion to provide essential aid to 18.2 million people in need. June 29

A government delegation participated in a new round of negotiations on detainees and prisoners under the auspices of the United Nations and Red Cross. The talks also addressed the return of Yemeni pilgrims who are stranded in Saudi Arabia due to the Houthis’ seizure of aircraft. (The government had previously refused to engage in dialogue before the release of detained ships(. June 29


The Houthi group’s record of kidnapping and torture operations (2016-2024):

  • Total kidnapped: 1,249
  • Deaths due to torture: 239
  • Death sentences issued: 70
  • Death sentences for those released: 12

(Source: United Nations)

Civilian Casualties in Hodeidah (June 2023-June 2024):

Total Casualties: 120 civilians

  • Deaths: 55
  • Injuries: 65
  • Number of Explosion Incidents: 84
  • High-Risk Groups: Children and Women
  • Cause: Explosive materials and minefields attributed to the Houthi group

Migrant movements and returns in Yemen (May 2024):

1,685 migrants entered Yemen 

(This is an increase of 14% from April 2024.)

  • Bari District, Somalia: 90%
  • Obock, Djibouti: 10%

Arrival point: Shabwa Governorate


750 migrants returned to Yemen:

  • Arrivals from Djibouti: 1,240 (91% men, 8% women, 1% children)
  • Yemeni returnees: 4,010 (21% decrease from April)
  • Deportation of Ethiopian migrants from Amman: 221 (deported to Al-Mahra Governorate)

(Source: United Nations Migration Organization)

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